Jeremy Anderson
Motivational Speaker, Author & Spokesperson for Next Level Living, Inc.
Jeremy and his family live happily in Atlanta, GA. Jeremy wasn't always the successful husband, father, author and businessman he is today. His past is blemished by the absence of his biological father, a diagnosis of ADHD, failing and getting left behind in school, drug dealing, and drug & alcohol abuse. Against all odds, Jeremy was able to bounce back and rise above his troubled past. He pursued education and is now a highly successful businessman. Jeremy has devoted his life to speaking in diverse venues such as schools, group homes, churches, sports teams, and various companies. Jeremy's passion is writing and public speaking. He knows that his purpose is to motivate, educate, and enhance the lives of this new generation. He has been invited to speak in hundreds of schools across the United States and internationally. Jeremy has an uncanny way of using his troubled past to connect with students of all ages, and shares with them tools to be successful in life regardless of their situation. Jeremy’s success is tied to his educational foundation and he thoroughly endorses and promotes education in his presentations. Jeremy attributes much of his success to the coaching and counseling he received from his mentors. His foremost mentor and business partner, is world renowned motivational speaker and best selling author, Eric Thomas.
Accomplishments: *Bachelors of Social Work 2004 *Masters of Pastoral Studies 2012 * Owner & Chief Operating Officer of Spirit Reign Communications & Publishing * CEO of The Jeremy Anderson Group, LLC * Spokesperson for Next Level Living, Inc. * Published Author of Six books